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Home » 2015 » June » 20 » How to earn on selling information Information
How to earn on selling information Information

 (This type of activity in the field of information services is versatile and suitable for a large number of areas of life, so use this idea not literally, but in accordance with the information material that you collect and process. - NF).

Once out of business a couple of years ago, I began to think, and what, in fact, to do in an environment where the factories AO KamAZ years do not pay wages. Given the fact that the city of Naberezhnye Chelny is a transit point for all parts KamAZ CIS and many are engaged in the purchase and sale of spare parts, I decided to try. However, the case is not much I liked it, but nevertheless, I paid special attention to the stupidity of supplying information on the sale of spare parts KAMAZ in the local press - a very small price, solid phone, the frequent repetition of the same phone in different parts of the same Categories. All this greatly complicates the search for parts, especially for wholesalers.

As a result, I decided to do the processing and systematization of information on sales of spare parts in the city. On the basis of the published advertisements in the press, I created a small database, which stated who and what parts are on sale. Having developed a method of processing the entire database, I got out of it to get a more compact table, I began to advertise as "Directory quick search of spare parts KAMAZ" (Reference BPKZ) and began to sell its professional traders. The first copies of the house I print to a printer for each customer individually, some sell electronic complete database. Of course, the price was much more expensive compared to newspapers, but those who are seriously engaged in the purchase and sale of spare parts purchased.

Since the autumn of 1998, I began to publish its reference edition of 50 copies., Multiplying good table printed on rizografe. Frequency - when weekly, when - after 1 time in two weeks, and when - 1 time per month as the previous edition sold.

If we talk about income, I can not call them great, but you can live. Life spoils competition. After walking around the bush, a group of "friends" jointly decided to issue special. publication on the same subject, asking me cheapness of his newspaper "Avtoprays", which they began to publish a year ago. However, I'm still holding on. With the price of the newspaper 7 rubles. My Directory BPKZ sold for 50 rubles. Of course, we must constantly search for new types of work that I do.

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