One of the common types of additional income is to write essays, and other works for the students.
"Eighteen months ago, in my family was very hard with the money (the consequences of August 17, 1998). And in order to have money even for lunch, I decided to" sell their knowledge. "I hung in the corridors of the university where I study Offers that I perform essays on history, philosophy and so on. (4). After some time, received the first order. I did not have the experience to assign dates, price, etc. (when doing something for themselves - based on completely different criteria). In short, I have appointed a miserable price, and terms - small. Still managed to make a summary. After passing the first essay a week spent in suspense. Complaint was not. Whew! The next six months a list of items performed on the extended abstracts. Clients became more (someone just handed my phone to friends), and even the old approach. In the past six months I attracted to writing essays several of his friends. Work hard, and money is small, but the feeling of being that you are your own boss, worth it. And about a thousand in a pre gryvney month - not superfluous. While going to learn - (left 1.5 years) - will continue "podhalturivat" but still think then refer the case to the expanded network of artists, and most work in a different specialty. That's my experience. I think it is quite good - in December 1998, I was engaged in one, and in December 1999 - 7 people. "Price list" has grown several times over the original (I mean the amount of services rendered).
Currently, the price list includes:
Abstracts are, seminars, courses on subjects:
- Cultural
- Politics
- Sociology
- History
- Philosophy
- Politics
- Theology
- Law
- Information
- Natural
- Fitness (Such, too, are)
- Physics
- Fundamentals of economic theory
- History of Economic Thought
- Programming (from laboratory to the diploma)
- Special subjects
Translation: English
Typing: Set one sheet of text (14 font, half interval) - 4 gryvnya. Printing (apart from the set - 3 gryvnya). Printing on the condition that I was gaining too abstract - 2 gryvnya. Total sheet of typed and printed me - 6 gryvney.
Prices, which I set for abstracts - 80 gryvney 20 pages gryvney 70 - 15 pages (the price includes printing the essay). At the session the price increase. But in general, the theme looks, timing and amount.
If the theme of the essay is non-standard, the price is increased by 20%.
Normal timing of - 5-7 days. If the client is required to make the abstract more rapidly, the price is increased by 20%.
By volume I assume the bottom bracket rates.
Material for abstracts find in lectures, books. There recommended literature, and simply having a list of recently received and published literature on this topic, or to find additional base material.
Maybe I'll go with the Internet, because all my personal development and the finished work of Fidonet and the Internet, I do not use (ethics does not allow).
What is my project on the Internet? In fact, it is similar to existing ones, the only difference is that it will be commercial in that it relates to ready abstracts, tentatively assumed the selection of literature on the common themes of abstracts and some other things. I think it will be interesting not only to me. The benefit? You see, the Internet, despite the apparent abundance of abstracts (free!), So very little. And highly specialized threads abstracts hard to find. A friend of mine, who is also this kind of work, "trades", made his anti-advertising in a manner that would take similar themes of abstracts from the network and delivered to the client (for reference: the same money that I take for new development). Several times the teachers returned to work. These highly specialized topics I'm counting. The price of the abstract in this case will not go printing. But while the idea of its own website, I have not yet realized. - This is the future. "
We wish success to Elizabeth ions in its current activities and its future implementation of the project on the Internet.
As far as I know, most engaged in writing essays and term papers, use of finished works, which they take with CD-ROM, as well as the well-known sites (the biggest in my opinion - Moscow collection of abstracts).
If you have not done this kind of activity, but want to try, I can recommend an article published in the journal "Home PC", number 5 for the year 1998. The article is called "Work your head." The author - Alexei Pupyshev - not only shares his experiences, but also reveals many secrets and subtleties of their business to writing essays.