If you have some writing skills, and a little imagination, you can make money in the following activities:
The writing of poetry greeting to all sorts of special occasions - birthday, anniversary, wedding, new baby, graduation, etc.
Help businessmen, officials in writing greeting cards for the holidays, with their subsequent sending to the addresses of institutions, colleagues and clients.
Preparation of advertising texts, announcements, business letters, and so on.
Composing advertising in verse.
Another original idea associated with the literary work - the creation of personal memoirs and family histories. It is no secret that not all have been successful people (including the so-called "new Russian") have sufficient literary abilities (not to mention basic literacy), as well as free time and patience to perpetuate his life on paper. However, they are conceited enough to resist the temptation to leave a memory descendants. Such people are not hard to find. Arrange a meeting with a customer in a cafe, at his home in another comfortable setting. Pre-prepare a plan conversation, depending on whether he wants to tell the world your client - how he spent his childhood, he has been successful, or wants to make a farewell speech to his descendants - to tell what he most valued in life, what he wants to educate their children and grandchildren, or he wants to talk about their friends or tell an interesting story of his life (funny or tragic), etc. You come to a meeting with a tape recorder and record accurately all. House in a quiet environment play a tape recording on paper (the best option - typed on the computer and print out at a good printer). Better yet, if you are familiar with the elements of design and decorate the text created by some graphic elements. Stacked life story can either twist or flash punch and put in hard cover. I'm sure your work will be appreciated.